Faces of Ancestors Revealed: Discovery and Dating of a Pleistocene-Age Petroglyph in East Timor

Bibliographic Collection: 
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: O'Connor, S.; Aplin, K.; St Pierre, E.; Feng, Y-x
Year of Publication: 2010
Journal: Antiquity
Volume: 84
Start Page: 649
Issue: 325
Pagination: 649-665
Date Published: 09/210
Publication Language: eng
Keywords: Austronesians, East Timor, human face, Lapita, petroglyph, pigment, Pleistocene art, rock art, Southeast Asia

A petroglyph showing a human face found in East Timor is dated to the late Pleistocene. It recalls ancient Australian forms and raises the possibility of connecting early cave art with the better known painted figures of Lapita/Austronesian art ten millennia later. This new discovery at a known cave shows what precious evidence still lies in store even in well-trodden places.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0003598X00100146