CARTA Members in the News: Dr. Alysson Muotri (UC San Diego) & Prof. Pat Churchland (UC San Diego)

Oct 30, 2020

Is Anybody in There?

It sounds like the plot of a science-fiction novel but CARTA Member Dr. Alysson Muotri's work with human brain organoids is all too real. His research focuses on modelling social neurological conditions, such as autism, and brain evolution using human cerebral organoids. Dr. Muotri, is Professor, University of California San Diego, School of Medicine, Departments of Pediatrics and Cellular & Molecular Medicine, and Director, Stem Cell Program, University of California San Diego. A new article published by Popular Mechanics explores the dimensions of this research.

Delbert, C. Experts Fear Lab-Grown Brains Could Become Sentient, Which is Upsetting. Popular Mechanics. Published 2020 October 28. (OPEN ACCESS)

Learn more about his provocative work in his CARTA profile:

Dr. Alysson Muotri

It's not just lab scientists that are examining the implications of sentient, lab-grown, disembodied brains but also philosophers such as longtime CARTA Member, Prof. Patricia Churchland. Prof. Churchland is Professor Emerita of Philosophy at UC San Diego. She pioneered the subfield of Neurophilosophy, which works the interface between traditional philosophical questions and emerging results in neuroscience. On November 04, 2020, she will be sharing her talk, "Big Brains Behind Morality," with the CARTA Master Class I: Special Topics in Human Evolution through Osher Lifelong Living Institute and UC San Diego Extension.

Find out more about the fascinating field of Neurophilosophy in her CARTA profile:

Prof. Patricia S. Churchland