CARTA-inspired Publications

CARTA encourages transdisciplinary research to advance our understanding of human origins through its symposium series. CARTA symposia provide a forum for researchers in varied fields to come together "to explore and explain the human phenomenon.” Member interactions continue after symposia and via the web site. This page lists examples of publications inspired by interactions amongst CARTA members. The list will be updated periodically.

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1055 publications

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Farrell, M, Egan, G, Zamarripa, F, Shade, R, Blair-West, J, Fox, P, Denton, D. Unique, common, and interacting cortical correlates of thirst and pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. United States. 2006;103:2416-21.
Preuss, T. Who's afraid of Homo sapiens?. J Biomed Discov Collab. England. 2006;1:17.


Hayakawa, T, Angata, T, Lewis, AL, Mikkelsen, TS, Varki, NM, Varki, A. A human-specific gene in microglia. Science. 2005;309(5741):1693.
Thompson, PM, Lee, AD, Dutton, RA, Geaga, JA, Hayashi, KM, Eckert, MA, Bellugi, U, Galaburda, AM, Korenberg, JR, Mills, DL, Toga, AW, Reiss, AL. Abnormal cortical complexity and thickness profiles mapped in Williams syndrome. J Neurosci, 2005/04/22. 2005;25:4146-58.
Varki, A, Altheide, TK. Comparing the human and chimpanzee genomes: searching for needles in a haystack. Genome Res, 2005/12/13. 2005;15:1746-58.
Egan, G, Johnson, J, Farrell, M, McAllen, R, Zamarripa, F, McKinley, M, Lancaster, J, Denton, D, Fox, P. Cortical, thalamic, and hypothalamic responses to cooling and warming the skin in awake humans: a positron-emission tomography study. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. United States. 2005;102:5262-7.
Eckert, MA, Hu, D, Eliez, S, Bellugi, U, Galaburda, A, Korenberg, J, Mills, D, Reiss, AL. Evidence for superior parietal impairment in Williams syndrome. Neurology, 2005/01/12. 2005;64:152-3.
Martin, MJ, Rayner, JC, Gagneux, P, Barnwell, JW, Varki, A. Evolution of human-chimpanzee differences in malaria susceptibility: relationship to human genetic loss of N-glycolylneuraminic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2005/08/30. 2005;102:12819-24.
Hayakawa, T, Altheide, TK, Varki, A. Genetic basis of human brain evolution: accelerating along the primate speedway. Dev Cell, 2004/12/29. 2005;8:2-4.
Martin, MJ, Muotri, A, Gage, F, Varki, A. Human embryonic stem cells express an immunogenic nonhuman sialic acid. Nat Med, 2005/02/03. 2005;11:228-32.
Consortium, TChimpanzee. Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome. Nature, 2005/09/02. 2005;437:69-87.
Bardor, M, Nguyen, DH, Diaz, S, Varki, A. Mechanism of uptake and incorporation of the non-human sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid into human cells. J Biol Chem, 2004/11/24. 2005;280:4228-37.
Goodman, M, Grossman, LI, Wildman, DE. Moving primate genomics beyond the chimpanzee genome. Trends Genet, 2005/07/13. 2005;21:511-7.
Schmidt, TR, Wildman, DE, Uddin, M, Opazo, JC, Goodman, M, Grossman, LI. Rapid electrostatic evolution at the binding site for cytochrome c on cytochrome c oxidase in anthropoid primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2005/04/27. 2005;102:6379-84.
Doan, JW, Schmidt, TR, Wildman, DE, Goodman, M, Weiss, ML, Grossman, LI. Rapid nonsynonymous evolution of the iron-sulfur protein in anthropoid primates. J Bioenerg Biomembr, 2005/05/21. 2005;37:35-41.
Holinger, DP, Bellugi, U, Mills, DL, Korenberg, JR, Reiss, AL, Sherman, GF, Galaburda, AM. Relative sparing of primary auditory cortex in Williams Syndrome. Brain Res, 2005/03/22. 2005;1037:35-42.
Muotri, AR, Chu, VT, Marchetto, MC, Deng, W, Moran, JV, Gage, FH. Somatic mosaicism in neuronal precursor cells mediated by L1 retrotransposition. Nature, 2005/06/17. 2005;435:903-10.
Gagneux, P, Moore, JJ, Varki, A. The ethics of research on great apes. Nature, 2005/09/02. 2005;437:27-9.
McConkey, EH, Varki, A. Thoughts on the future of great ape research. Science, 2005/09/06. 2005;309:1499-501.


Doyle, TF, Bellugi, U, Korenberg, JR, Graham, J. "Everybody in the world is my friend" hypersociability in young children with Williams syndrome. Am J Med Genet A, 2004/01/07. 2004;124A:263-73.
Boon, W, Beissbarth, T, Hyde, L, Smyth, G, Gunnersen, J, Denton, D, Scott, H, Tan, S. A comparative analysis of transcribed genes in the mouse hypothalamus and neocortex reveals chromosomal clustering. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. United States. 2004;101:14972-7.
Grossman, LI, Wildman, DE, Schmidt, TR, Goodman, M. Accelerated evolution of the electron transport chain in anthropoid primates. Trends Genet, 2004/10/12. 2004;20:578-85.
McKinley, M, Denton, D, Mathai, M, Oldfield, B, Weisinger, R. Angiotensin Actions on the Brain Influencing Salt and Water Balance. In: Unger, T, Scholkens, B, eds. 163 / 2 Angiotensis. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2004, p.115-139.
