MOCA Topics

This page lists MOCA Topics. Each topic presents existing data about a particular difference between humans and non-human hominids. Topics are grouped into MOCA Domains. Displaying 1 - 100 of 617 MOCA Topics.

Topic Name Topic Authors MOCA Domainsort descending Uniqueness
Phytanic Acid Metabolism Sandhya Bhatia Cell Biology and Biochemistry Relative Difference
N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Expression Ajit Varki Cell Biology and Biochemistry Absolute Difference
Alpha2-6-linked Sialic Acid Expression Ajit Varki Cell Biology and Biochemistry Relative Difference
Milk Composition Pascal Gagneux Cell Biology and Biochemistry Likely Difference
Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism Lawrence Grossman Cell Biology and Biochemistry Likely Difference
Trophic Level MOCA Author Ecology Relative Difference
Niche Breadth Rachel Zarndt Ecology Relative Difference
Predator-Prey Relationships MOCA Author Ecology Relative Difference
Home Range Size Matthew Boisvert Ecology Relative Difference
Ecological Dominance Emily Little Ecology Absolute Difference
Population Density MOCA Author Ecology
Impact of Conspecific Competition MOCA Author Ecology
Gut Microbiome MOCA Author Ecology Relative Difference
Longevity MOCA Author General Life History
Helplessness of the Young Jean-Jacques Hublin, Steven Leigh General Life History Absolute Difference
Secondary Altriciality Jean-Jacques Hublin, Steven Leigh General Life History Absolute Difference
Age at First Reproduction MOCA Author General Life History Absolute Difference
Population Age Structure MOCA Author General Life History Relative Difference
Age-Specific Fertility Decline MOCA Author General Life History Relative Difference
Inter-Generational Transfers MOCA Author General Life History Absolute Difference
Parental Investment Barry Bogin General Life History Likely Difference
Mating Effort Pascal Gagneux General Life History Relative Difference
Inter-birth Intervals Corinna Most General Life History Absolute Difference
Menstrual Cycle Duration MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes Nishan Shettigar Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Ectopic Pregnancy MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Volume of Menstrual Blood Loss Leela Davies Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Advertisement of Ovulation Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Hydatiform Moles Kurt Benirschke Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Endometriosis MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation Majesta O'Bleness Reproductive Biology and Disease Speculative Difference
Breast Development without Pregnancy/Lactation MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Pre-Eclampsia Kurt Benirschke Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Copulatory Plug Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Siglec Expression in Extra-Embryonic Fetal Tissue Nissi Varki Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Female Pelvic Floor Organ Prolapse Majesta O'Bleness Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Volume of the Sperm Mid Piece Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Trigger for Onset of Birth MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Speculative Difference
Sperm Count Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Gestational Duration MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Sperm Energy Production Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Speculative Difference
Ascending Infection of Gestation MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Difficulty Breastfeeding Emily Little Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Baculum (Penis Bone) Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Twinning Frequency Kurt Benirschke Reproductive Biology and Disease No Difference
Bashfulness, Modesty Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Morning Sickness Kari Hanson Reproductive Biology and Disease Speculative Difference
Penis Size and Morphology Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease No Difference
Umbilical Cord Length MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Fecundability Matthew Boisvert Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Vaginal Hymen MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Neonatal Cephalhematoma MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Female Labia Majora MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Placentophagia Sarah Hrdy Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Pain During Childbirth MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Postpartum Depression MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Speculative Difference
Premature Labor MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease
Duration of Labor MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Female Menopause MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Female Sexual Receptivity MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Cephalo-Pelvic Proportions MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Primary Infertility Frequency Kurt Benirschke Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Timing of Decidual Changes in Endometrium MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Relative Difference
Fetal Microchimerism in Mothers MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease
Early Fetal Wastage MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Likely Difference
Neoteny - Behavioral MOCA Author Development Relative Difference
Juvenile Stage Barry Bogin Development Relative Difference
Neoteny - Biological Barry Bogin Development Relative Difference
Post Reproductive Life Stage MOCA Author Development Relative Difference
Onset of Puberty Barry Bogin Development Relative Difference
Rate of CNS Development Barry Bogin Development Relative Difference
Amount of REM Sleep MOCA Author Development Relative Difference
Adolescence Duration and Characteristics Barry Bogin Development Likely Difference
Duration of Lactation Barry Bogin Development Relative Difference
Adolescent Growth Spurt Barry Bogin Development Likely Difference
Unconsolable Infant Crying Ronald Barr Development Absolute Difference
Adrenarche Barry Bogin, Benjamin Campbell Development Speculative Difference
Aging/Senescence MOCA Author Development Relative Difference
Attachment MOCA Author Development Relative Difference
Childhood Barry Bogin Development Absolute Difference
Duration of Infant Arousal MOCA Author Development
Fatness at Birth Kari Hanson Development Relative Difference
Infant Locomotor Development Heidi Sharipov Development Relative Difference
Infant-Caregiver Affect Attunement Emily Little Development Absolute Difference
Primary Language Acquisition John Locke Development Absolute Difference
Lanugo Hair MOCA Author Development Likely Difference
Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze Corinna Most Development Relative Difference
Neonatal Imitation of Adults Emily Little Development No Difference
Age of Pelvic Bone Fusion Melanie Beasley Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Occipital Bone Morphology MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Size of Apical Phalangeal Tufts MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Morphology of the Brow Ridge MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics No Difference
Relative Thumb Length MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Sagittal Crest of the Skull MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Likely Difference
Breadth of Corpus Sternii MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Speculative Difference
Kidney Basement Membrane Thickness Nissi Varki Anatomy and Biomechanics Likely Difference
Choroid Plexus Biondi Bodies MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Likely Difference
Lumbar Lordosis Melanie Beasley Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Supralaryngeal Vocal Tract Philip Lieberman Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
