MOCA Topics

This page lists MOCA Topics. Each topic presents existing data about a particular difference between humans and non-human hominids. Topics are grouped into MOCA Domains. Displaying 401 - 500 of 617 MOCA Topics.

Topic Name Topic Authors MOCA Domain Uniquenesssort descending
Upright Posture Nina Jablonski Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Copulatory Plug Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Brain Size Todd Preuss Neuroscience Absolute Difference
MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor) ) Majesta O'Bleness, James Sikela Genetics Absolute Difference
Teaching Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Lisa Parr Behavior Absolute Difference
Unconsolable Infant Crying Ronald Barr Development Absolute Difference
Hyoid Bulla Majesta O'Bleness Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Lumbar Lordosis Melanie Beasley Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Healing the Sick Robert Thomas Culture Absolute Difference
Somnambulism Kyle Fischer Behavior Absolute Difference
Ecological Dominance Emily Little Ecology Absolute Difference
Absolute Lymphocyte Count Robert Thomas Pathology Absolute Difference
External Nose Projection Robert Franciscus Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Auditory-Vocal Communication Robert Kluender Communication Absolute Difference
NBPF Veronica Searles Quick, James Sikela Gene Family Expansion and Loss Absolute Difference
NBPF15 (neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15) Majesta O'Bleness, James Sikela Genetics Absolute Difference
N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Expression Ajit Varki Cell Biology and Biochemistry Absolute Difference
Physical Modifications of the Body MOCA Author Culture Absolute Difference
Baldness and Male Pattern Baldness MOCA Author Skin Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Helplessness of the Young Jean-Jacques Hublin, Steven Leigh General Life History Absolute Difference
Cooperative Breeding Sarah Hrdy Behavior Absolute Difference
Size of Dentate Nucleus James Rilling Neuroscience Absolute Difference
Absolute Neutrophil Count MOCA Author Pathology Absolute Difference
Sustained Running Behavior Vairavan Lakshmanan Organ Physiology Absolute Difference
Dentition Size and Tooth Number Jean-Jacques Hublin Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Gestational Duration MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Visual-Manual Communication Robert Kluender, Hope Morgan Communication Absolute Difference
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Tim Crow Mental Disease Absolute Difference
SIGLEC14 (sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 14) Ajit Varki Genetics Absolute Difference
Rites of Passage MOCA Author Culture Absolute Difference
Body Lice MOCA Author Skin Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Sphenoid Bone Length MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Personal Names Hope Morgan Culture Absolute Difference
Secondary Altriciality Jean-Jacques Hublin, Steven Leigh General Life History Absolute Difference
Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance Sarah Hrdy Behavior Absolute Difference
Bipedal Foot Morphology Carol Ward Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Baculum (Penis Bone) Pascal Gagneux Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Ascending Infection of Gestation MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Anorexia and Bulimia Tim Crow Mental Disease Absolute Difference
MYH16 (myosin, heavy chain 16 pseudogene) Naruya Saitou Genetics Absolute Difference
Childhood Barry Bogin Development Absolute Difference
Thumb Opposability MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Diverticulosis Nissi Varki Pathology Absolute Difference
Length of Cervical Vertebral Spinous Processes MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
World View MOCA Author Culture Absolute Difference
Age at First Reproduction MOCA Author General Life History Absolute Difference
Xq21.3 to Yp11.2 Duplication Tim Crow Novel Chromosome Features and Banding Patterns Absolute Difference
Frontal Lobe Size Nicole Barger, Katerina Semendeferi Neuroscience Absolute Difference
Imitative Learning Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Lisa Parr Cognition Absolute Difference
Scoliosis Camille Toarmino Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies Tim Crow Genomics Absolute Difference
PCDH11XY (protocadherin 11 X Y linked) Tim Crow, Majesta O'Bleness, James Sikela Genetics Absolute Difference
Cleanliness MOCA Author Behavior Absolute Difference
Striding Bipedalism MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Art MOCA Author Culture Absolute Difference
Foramen Magnum Placement Melanie Beasley Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Control of Fire MOCA Author Culture Absolute Difference
Association Cortex Size Todd Preuss Neuroscience Absolute Difference
Emotional Lacrimation (Crying) Ben Cipollini Organ Physiology Absolute Difference
Pelvic Height and Iliac Flare MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Thoracic Innervation of the Intercostal Muscles Philip Lieberman Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Vaginal Hymen MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Siglec-11 Expression in the Brain Dillon Chen, Ajit Varki Neuroscience Absolute Difference
Umbilical Cord Length MOCA Author Reproductive Biology and Disease Absolute Difference
Malaria Ajit Varki Medical Disease Absolute Difference
Emergence of New Communication Systems Robert Kluender, Hope Morgan Communication Absolute Difference
Small/Large Intestine Length Ratio MOCA Author Anatomy and Biomechanics Absolute Difference
Polycystic Ovarian Disease Nissi Varki Pathology Absolute Difference
Cuisine Melanie Beasley Culture Absolute Difference
Age Based Division of Labor Kiri Hagerman Social Organization Absolute Difference
Non-Declarative Memory MOCA Author Cognition Relative Difference
Infant Locomotor Development Heidi Sharipov Development Relative Difference
Pair-bonding Kari Hanson Social Organization Relative Difference
DHEA/DHEAS Circulating Levels MOCA Author Endocrinology Relative Difference
Sclera Pigmentation Hope Morgan Anatomy and Biomechanics Relative Difference
Construction of Shelters Barry Bogin Culture Relative Difference
Reciprocal Altruism MOCA Author Behavior Relative Difference
Sex Based Division of Labor Kiri Hagerman Social Organization Relative Difference
Number and Complexity of Cortical Gyrii Stephen Johnston Neuroscience Relative Difference
Genomic Insertions and Deletions (Indels) Veronica Searles Quick, James Sikela Genomics Relative Difference
Whole Body Cooling Efficiency Nina Jablonski Organ Physiology Relative Difference
Social Referencing Sanae Okamoto-Barth, Tetsuro Matsuzawa Cognition Relative Difference
Cortical Neuron Density, Synapse-to-Neuron Ratio Heidi Sharipov Neuroscience Relative Difference
COX5A (cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va) Lawrence Grossman Genetics Relative Difference
ABO (ABO blood group ) Majesta O'Bleness, James Sikela Genetics Relative Difference
Group Stability MOCA Author Social Organization Relative Difference
Organized Warfare MOCA Author Behavior Relative Difference
Self-Injury Andrew Schork Behavior Relative Difference
Carnivory Caleb Finch Nutrition Relative Difference
Juvenile Stage Barry Bogin Development Relative Difference
Arithmetic Leela Davies Cognition Relative Difference
Cortical Synapse Density Kari Hanson Neuroscience Relative Difference
Food Sharing Alyssa Crittenden, Margaret Schoeninger Behavior Relative Difference
Social Group Composition MOCA Author Social Organization Relative Difference
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism Hector Reynoso Anatomy and Biomechanics Relative Difference
Drumming Landon Klein Culture Relative Difference
Unnecessary Risk Taking Deepika Patel Behavior Relative Difference
Food Components Nissi Varki Nutrition Relative Difference
Serum Lp(a) Level MOCA Author Pathology Relative Difference
Mating Effort Pascal Gagneux General Life History Relative Difference
